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APNET-IFRRO Webinars: Collective Management of Text and Image-based Works

APNET-IFRRO Webinars: Collective Management of Text and Image-based Works

APNET is proud to announce two upcoming webinars, organized in collaboration with IFFRO, focused on enhancing the understanding and implementation
of collective management across Africa.
These webinars, scheduled for September 10th (English) and September 12th (French), will bring together industry experts, publishers, and representatives from Reprographic Rights Organizations (RROs) to explore the vital role of collective rights management in ensuring fair compensation for the use of published works.


Webinar Details: (English Session)

Date: Tuesday 10th September, 2024

Time: 10 AM (UTC) GMT

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting here: >>

ID: 852 6629 2372 Passcode: 458639


(Seance Française) 

Date: jeudi 12 septembre 2024  

Heure: 10h GMT 

Rejoindre la réunion Zoom ici >>
Numéro de réunion: 864 0185 0478
Code d’accès: 562503

These webinars will feature prominent experts, including Ms.Miyuki Monroig from WIPO and Mr. Olav Stokkmo, Consultant to WIPO and IFRRO, as well as publishers from Malawi, South Africa, Ghana, Algeria, Burkina Faso, and Senegal. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in Q&A sessions and

round table discussions, fostering interactive dialogue on best practices in collective rights management.
We look forward to your participation in these sessions!

What is APNET?

African Publishers Network (APNET) was founded by think-tank African publishers from 9 countries at a conference in Harare, Zimbabwe in 1992..

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